Hardware, DIY & Automotive

Electronic Shelf Labels transform operation processes for hardware, DIY and automotive stores! Discover all the efficiencies we’ve helped our clients create.

QR codes drive DYI/hardware store member sign ups through tiered pricing

Drive Memberships with Tiered Pricing

Building and hardware companies generally have a strong trade and/or member customer base. With electronic labels, displaying tiered pricing is easy; this incentivises membership, by showing the shopper the price they would pay, if they were a member.

Consumers can also be directed to the sign-up page, by hovering their phone over QR codes on the electronic labels.

Similarly, the technology gives retailers the ability to show bulk purchase discounts, driving increased sales.

User Guides & Product Specs

NFC tap functionality or QR codes displayed on each digital price ticket drive customers online to view:

  • Detailed specs

  • User videos

  • User guides

  • Reviews

This empowers the customer with information at their finger tips, much like when they shop online, freeing up staff from answering so many technical questions, and helping convert more sales, as all research can be undertaken quickly and easily in store.

Digital Price Tags / Electronic Shelf Labels with QR codes linking to products specs - hardware/DIY store



Of course, the greatest benefit of ESLs to Hardware/DIY stores is the automation of price changes. But have you considered these 3 upshots of digital pricing?

  • Hardware/DYI store Australia with Electronic Shelf Labels - installation by FutureShelf

    Better Service

    Sometimes there's no beating one on one advise, especially for DIY customers. By digitalising price updates, as well as other operations, staff have much more time to spend with customers, increasing in-store sales.

  • Hardware/DYI store Australia with Electronic Shelf Labels - installation by FutureShelf

    Staff Retention

    Not only do customers benefit, but staff also experience advantages. Utilizing their expertise to assist customers rather than performing menial tasks creates a more enjoyable workplace. This enhances job satisfaction, driving retention, and ultimately saving the retailer money on recruitment and training.

  • Automotive parts store Australia with Electronic Shelf Labels - installation by FutureShelf

    Imported Goods

    Electronic pricing allows building and construction supply companies to maintain margins, in the face of fluctuating currencies. It also ensures that pricing remains competitive, as discounts, offers and standard price changes can be rolled out instantly.

Sustainable Retail

Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs) offer significant sustainability benefits for retailers by:

  • Eliminating paper waste associated with price change management.

  • Reducing energy consumption used in printing.

Additionally, by choosing FutureShelf, you are selecting ESLs manufactured using renewable energy.


Let’s talk

Find out how our electronic label solutions could work for your hardware shop.